Dancing Plover FarmVertical Divider

Ted Fox and Martyn Botfield have been friends and colleagues for over twenty years, so it was only fitting that they open a farm together. While both of them had experience gardening - Martyn routinely volunteered at Hugh Cargill Community Garden –they decided to pursue farming as a way of spending less time commuting into Boston and more time outdoors. In 2015, they participated in New Entry’s Farm Business Planning Course; there, their incubator farm excelled and by 2016, they began farming on what is now known as Dancing Plover Farm.
At Dancing Plover Farm, there are no GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, nor soil amendments. Ted and Martyn, although they recognize that it means more work, are dedicated to growing their products organically. In order to ensure their soil and product remains nutritious, they opt instead for composted manure, cover crops, and cover rotations. Snack on some of Dancing Plover’s delicious orange bell peppers or use their anaheim peppers in a salad–either way, their au naturel approach to farming is evident in both flavors.
At Dancing Plover Farm, there are no GMOs, pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, nor soil amendments. Ted and Martyn, although they recognize that it means more work, are dedicated to growing their products organically. In order to ensure their soil and product remains nutritious, they opt instead for composted manure, cover crops, and cover rotations. Snack on some of Dancing Plover’s delicious orange bell peppers or use their anaheim peppers in a salad–either way, their au naturel approach to farming is evident in both flavors.